Let us value your deals!

Don’t rely on contractors for estimates or Realtors for comps. They are looking out for themselves. You need a total valuation, not pieces to be fit together. Instead, let our Valuation Services Division work for you as your consultant and get the total value for you.

We are Realtors, Contractors, Investors and BPO Agents. We understand the business, and will be at your side.

Base package includes:

  • Site inspection and measurementsPre-purchase comps
  • ARV comps
  • A final report the will include:
    • Maximum Purchase Price for the target
    • Detailed and priced re-hab estimate
    • Competitive Market Analysis
    • After Repair Value

Project Management: Our experienced project managers can take your project from concept through final sale, or any part of that process. We can assist in finding and securing a target, locating and choosing a contractor, permit and CO challenges, and even marketing the newly rebuilt home through our brokerage.

(Services available in Nassau and Suffolk Counties)